
VEMU’s 8th Fundraising Dinner

April 27, 2019
7 pm
Tartu College, 310 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1W4

Saturday, April 27 at 7pm, VEMU’s 8th fundraising dinner will take place. We will have guests from Kihnu island in Estonia: the photographer Silvia Soide and the filmmaker Meelis Muhu. Dinner will be prepared by Kihnu Chef Inger Lilles-Nestor from the restaurant “Kihnu Gurmee.” Appetizers at 6pm.

Accordionist Tiina Kiik will be providing musical entertainment.

Tickets: $150

Tulõnd kua pidussõ, meitel ond külälised Kihnumualt!

Please RSVP by April 15th to Marika Mayfield (vemu@tartucollege.ca) or by calling the Tartu College Rental Office
(416 925 9405).

Info: piret.noorhani@vemu.ca
t. 416 925 9405



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