Eesti Õppetooli loeng U of T’s – dr. Kaarel Piirimäe
Esmaspäeval, 21. novembril kell 10 el-12 pl peab dr. Kaarel Piirimäe Tartu Ülikooli Ajaloo ja Arheoloogia Instituudist loengu teemal: A Country at a Critical Juncture: Historical Consciousness, and the Struggle over Estonian Foreign Policy, 1990-1991. Loeng toimub University of Toronto Lash Miller Chemical Labs’is, 80 St. George Street, toas 162.
Inglise keeles. Tasuta.
The lecture will be about the influence of historical imagination on peoples’ horizons of expectation on the example of the key players in Estonian foreign policy, foreign minister Lennart Meri and prime minister Edgar Savisaar. Dr. Piirimäe will argue that individuals play a key role at “critical juncture,” so the decisions that Meri and Savisaat made in the crucial years of 1990-1991 probably influenced Estonia’s path of development for a long time.