Family Film Screening “The Secret Society of Souptown” followed by a conversation with author Mika Keränen
February 11, 2024
3 pm
Tartu College, 310 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1W4
“The Secret Society of Souptown” (2015, 95 min, director Margus Paju, inspired by Mika Keränen’s children’s books)
When the town is attacked by a mystical virus that turns all the grown-ups into children, four brave 10 year olds fight back to save their loved ones despite all the obstacles.
Sunday, February 11th, at 3:00 p.m.
The film will be screened at both Tartu College (3 Madison Ave.)
and on Zoom: Meeting ID 865 7343 6920
In Estonian with English subtitles
Free event with donations welcomed
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