
From VEMU Archives: “Ööbik simmaree: Igavene suvi”

May 29, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic is it not possible to organise events at Tartu College. Instead, VEMU opens up its archives for you to watch different lectures and workshops at home.

T.E.A.S Ööbik is celebrating its 25 year anniversary this year. The choir’s signature performances are the spring ‘Simmaree’s, a name coined by the late Allan Liik, connecting an Estonian ‘Simman’ with a ‘Cabaret’. Each Simmaree tells a story, written by one of the Ööbik members. The story is “told” through song and dance, performed by the choir and by ensembles and soloists, with instrumental accompaniment.

The 2020 Simmaree performance will be postponed until it is safe for all of us to gather as singers, and as an audience. For now, look for the WEEKLY postings of some of the previous Simmaree performances.

Second is “Igavene suvi” from 2013.

Video by Estonian Heritage Society Toronto.

Link to the simmaree here.


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