“Wine Tasting Evening and Spring Party” of the Akadeemiline Kodu
May 30, 2014
7 pm
Tartu College, 310 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1W4
On Friday, May 30th, 2014: Wine Tasting Evening and Spring Party (“Veini maitsmise õhtu ja kevadpidu”) of the Akadeemiline Kodu.
Wine Tasting Evening starts at 7 pm, the theme is „The Reds of Argentina”, repart is $20.
Wine, appetizers, also Spring Party cover is included. M2 International Ltd.
Spring Party starts at 9 pm and the cover is $5. (Rebased kes kannavad tekklit tasuta.)
Eric Soostar’s orchestra and appetizers.
Wine $3 Beer $3
Pop $1
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