September Marks the 80th Anniversary of the Great Escape of 1944

Mark your calendars and join VEMU for a series of events that honour the anniversary:

Sept. 19 & 20 – Conference The Great Escape of 1944 – The Baltic Experience
11:00am-5:00pm at Tartu College (310 Bloor St. W.), in English
In partnership with the Chair of Estonian Studies at UofT

Sept. 19 – Film screening: The Paradox of Seabrook Farms. Shattered Dreams. Restored Hopes (Merits Productions, 2024) and meeting with director Helga Merits.
7:00 pm, Innis Town Hall (2 Sussex Ave.), in English
In partnership with the Chair of Estonian Studies at UofT
Tickets ($20/$10 students) on sale Sept. 3 here.

Sept. 21 – Tartu College 54: Dr. Vello Soots Memorial Lecture by Dr. Tiina Kirss & exhibit opening
Tartu College (310 Bloor St. W.), in Estonian
3:00 pm program begins, 5:00 pm Reception
7:00 pm Singing our songs again: an evening of Estonian diaspora songs

Major funder: Estonian Foundation Canada

Sponsors: Estonian Central Council in Canada, Integration Foundation (Estonia)